Saturday, January 23, 2021


If one declares that nothing can be known, then how does one know if this proposition exists as an extension of declarative mind of the spreaker, and possessor ofthis and other ideas arising from a knowwer knowing the content of this proposition is true, let alone being intelligible as language arises and is shared on a communal context? This internal contradiction entails that something is knowable, thereby discrediting nescience. If a person proposes that nothing can be known, something can be known, or that there is a yet undisvovered unification theory describing how everything can be known, the the backer of any of these three propositions has or assumes that he wields certain knowledge. If one knows something, then one exists (res cogitans), thinks and communicates. This disproves the nihilistic assertion that nothing exists, or the solipsistic stance that only oneself exists.

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