Thursday, January 28, 2021

the Blaze

I thought I had heard it all, but what took the cake was an article I read tonight on line. It was carried by the blaze, on 1/27/2021 and the writer might have been Sarah Taylor. Let me quote from the article: "University professor says heterosexuality is 'tragic' and causes all sorts of societal problems for men and women Oh? Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images Sarah Taylor A professor at the University of California-Riverside says that heterosexuality is a "tragic" concept that perpetuates misogyny, funnels men into supporting toxic masculinity, and breaks up relationships." Professor Jane Ward comes off as urging that institutionalized prejudice against heterosexuals is now part of the Leftist mass movement that in 2021 has allowed reverse racism against whites to become systemic and official public party for thercist Democrats in power in Washington. Masculinity is not only not toxic, but is essential for the welfare of all humans, including women, children, everyone. Toxic racism against men, heterosexual men, boys and indvidiualists, Christians, Jews and conservatives is now legally and socially sanctioned socialist democratic agenda items for the Marxist Democrats running out country. Rather than causing misogyny towards women, women need men in their lives, to have children, to have an equal partner to love and cherish in monogomous marriage, and require rich, diverse relationships with men as fathers, sons, brother, friends, lovers, hubands, coworkers and neighbors. It is true that relationships often fail, and that is the fault of both men and women as love not competing and selfishness must compel them to stay partnered for live (in most instances). Let me quote Taylor further: "As highlighted by Campus Reform, Jane Ward, a professor of gender and sexuality studies and self-described lesbian, says that "heterosexual relationships" are inherently bad for people and their interpersonal relationships because they highlight inequality. In an December article for Insider, Ward argued that by all appearances, men and women don't actually like one another. Insider's Julia Naftulin reported, "She feels sorry for straight people, especially straight women, who typically report some of the lowest sexual satisfaction in society, Ward told Insider. But she also feels sorry for straight men, who are pigeon-holed into toxic-masculine culture that teaches them they both need, and yet should also demean, women." 'It really looks like straight men and women don't like each other very much, that women spend so much time complaining about men, and we still have so much evidence of misogyny," Ward told the outlet. "From an LGBT perspective, [heterosexuality] looks actually very tragic.'" Ward sounds like a typical Marxist, very cynical, insisting that all are to be assigned their identity group, collectivized oppressors (heterosexual toxic men that dominate and hold down and back heterosexual women), and the oppressed women, owned, paid less, attacked, exploited and oppressed. The battle of the sexes is over raw power and money and men play to win and hodl the winning cards. Realistically, women work mostly, make about as mucha s most men do, are well-treated in the West. There is much love, respect and cooperation between men and women as, when they are mature and love one another, married and monogomous as Bible and the Divine Couple intended, then Ward's excessive accusations can be dismissed out of hand. Ward is correct in pointing out that the balance of work and family obligations are hard on modern heterosexual women, but blaming men is not justified or accurate, and nor does it help heterosexual women to cope with their frustration. If young women maverize, that will give them the extra energy, will and mental toughness to juggle successfully, self-realization, being a wife and mother, and holding onto a career. Hard but doable, but fun and meaningful and rewarding also. Heterosexual women are most happy, loved, loving, complete and fulfilled in a loving mature relationship as a married individuator wedded to a heterosexual individuator, just as the heterosexual, divine, individuating married Mother and Father enjoy their relationship. What is tragic is for a straignt woman to stay single--unless she does so for noble reasons--or becomes gay. Men are not the enemy. If LGBT adults individuate and seek a civil union with another of their kind and that partner is a loving individuator committted to the long-term monogomous relationship then that union need not be tragic either. Ward is way off base.

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