Thursday, January 21, 2021

Moral Moderation

1. We need to moderate our passions so that we do not join a mob, turn fanatical and cruel, or exact as tyrants. 2. We need to moderate our reason so we remain humble and reasonable, forsaking absolutist claims for more graspable probable certainty. 3. We need to moderate our pride, neither too self-effacing nor egotistical. We need self-respect. 4. We must moderate our power-lust. We do not seek excessive power, and nor do we surrender to those seeking to tyrannize us. For self-love is to latch onto liberty. For self-hatred is to glom onto power imbalance as tyrant and slave, or as oppressor and oppressed. Where we hate ourselves, power-lust is bottomless, as all are fed to the collective beast, be it big totalitarian government, or to a mass movement or ism that we worship, and seek to extend everywhere. 5. We define, recognize and call out bad means to a good end, promising never to use a bad means to acheive a good end because to doing is immoderate, makes the doer and victom tainted and made sick by such wicked behavior. To force others to obey, surrender and submit and accept as their own, our good cause, by forcing them involuntariy to obey our command, then we have undercut and wrecked the good cause, for it is now an evil cause, not worth advancing and championing any longer. Evil means always destroys a noble end, transforming it into a bad end. The evil cause was the result of utilizing the bad means.

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