Friday, May 16, 2014

Addressing The Non-Achiever

Address the non-achiever briefly and witness to them the religion and philosophy of individuating. Most of them will ignore you and reject the message. That is anticipated and expected. Here is how the proselytizer must react.

Do not get mad. Do not get frustrated. Do not come to hate the sinners and unholy, and seek to punish or condemn them. Do not curse them out or wish them ill. Do not burn out and quit the cause.

Be patient, and stay the course.

People will come to our cause when they are good and willing, or not at all. They and they only will choose, and will constrained in no way, ever. This cause is so fantastic, and divinely linked, that the messengers of hope and faith must not muddy spiritual waters by misbehaving or overreacting to unpleasant, repeated rejections by sinners and the ignorant.

On the other hand you must not plead with them, begging them to reconsider their staunch refusal.

You are to give them space to choose and live as they will. Tell them to take it or leave it.

On the other hand, never apologize to them for what you believe and who you are.

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