Thursday, May 8, 2014

Little Falls, Minnesota

Two good-looking young people, apparently addicts and burglars, a year ago in this part of Minnesota were gunned down for breaking into this man's home, and he has been found guilty of murder and is being sent to prison.

That self-righteous boob of a district attorney declared that he is here to defend children, the two delinquents that repeatedly broke into the rural home of this retired shooter, who felt terrorized and victimized, which he was. He should not have executed them, but wounded them and then called the police.

That jerk prosecutor asked if killing young people was worth it over property and asked if one could live with killing somebody over property.

We need the Castle Doctrine and the Stand-Your-Ground Statutes. We need to use force and guns to defend our homes, and the burden of proof should be on the criminal, not the homeowner.

Under natural rights and our constitutional rights, we are guaranteed life, liberty and the pursuit of property and happiness. Americans need to learn that they cannot break into someone's home and rob them. If people are drug addicts, they can work for their money. If they burgle and break in, and get shot, the very burden of proof should weigh most heavily on the lawless intruder.

That smug, preening, liberal, self-righteous prosecutor was way off base. Property (personal self and one's possessions) is worth defending. One does not want to take a life, and would have to live with killing a violent attacker, but life is not always fair or convenient.

We have to raise our young people to love freedom, maverizing, acquiring wealth and property. What this means is that we do not rob and steal from our neighbors like the government is doing overtaxing private citizens in the same of wealth redistribution.

What this means is that we do not litter. We do not vandalize. We do not spray graffiti on people's garages. We do not throw cigarette butts on the ground. America should be as clean, glistening and litter-free as a Japanese village in the mountains, or a goat farm in the Norwegian highlands.

Where young people are dirty, drug-taking, gang-banging thieves and muggers, they need to pay a high price, and breaking into the home repeatedly of this beleaguered, elderly, frightened, furious man did result in too severe a penalty, but he should serve two years in jail, and then be set free. We need to tell the young and the criminals to get clean, get sober, get educated, get a job, buy what you need, obey the law, keep the peace and self-realize. And stay the hell out of some stranger's house, or reap the whirlwind.

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