Sunday, May 4, 2014

John David LaDue

This young man is Waseca wanted to attack the high school with bombs and guns. He wanted to replicate Columbine. He likely will go to prison, to be tried as an adult, even thought he is considered mentally ill. Some psychologists are seeing school killers or potential killers like him as embittered, sick outsiders seeking pathetic attention and revenge from the media after killing many people.

Again, I am speculating, but this kind of solitary killer of other teenagers at school by Americans teens signifies for me that we have learned nothing from these repeated incidences, and really have no glimmer of comprehension as to what is happening to these isolated children. We fail to understand what is at stake, over and over again.

My best guess is that these young men are loners and losers, outsiders without any chance of ever being admitted to a sneering, nasty, cruel set of peers that have shunned, teased and perhaps persecuted them. These mixed up, desperate adolescents can find no solution but grab a gun and shoot a bunch of these unpleasant groupist creeps, that richly deserve being shot. That is not to say anyone should hurt anyone, but the answer is not taking away guns. The answer is recognizing the rights of teenage loners as budding individuators and individualists that are being discriminated against and driven to drastic actions by basically evil, assembled, collectivized peers, sanctioned by collectivized school bureaucrats.

Give children, especially those that by nature or nurture that are loners, new educational, legal and social protection so they can remain loners but be regarded by the school officials and other students as winners, accepted, popular, cherished members of the community to come and go in and out of all peer groups as all children are afforded protected class rights as individualists.

It would be wonderful, going forward, if all kids , loners or joiners learn to self-realize as part of their life of growing, learning and self-actualizing. Society must take these disaffected loners in, and most will not turn violent against the community. Most will not become mentally ill. We must detect the presence of and get help in advance of tragedy for those that cannot make the cut to normalcy

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