Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Socially Disabled

About 30 years ago I was visiting the farm with my family from Minneapolis. My mother said something to me that torqued me off as an insult, but she, sharp and sharp-tongued, touched on something profound.

She commented that her kids were socially disabled. She went on to note that she could not detect the origins of that trait, because she had close friends, and she did, till she died. My Dad was a loner, as was his mother, and his paternal grandfather. This pattern of being eccentric, a loner, an individualist then, likely runs in families, due both to genetics and family social dynamics.

Mother too was rather eccentric and a loner in ways, more than she wanted to admit.

I remember being 8 years old. There was an economic and social pecking order established in the community. At the bottom were the Ramseys, the welfare family and some migrant farm laboring Native Americans. My generalization is that we are herd creatures, and instinctively we set up hierarchies, and stratify the status of all in the community. Marxists deeply mistake the biological roots that drive setting up societal caste systems.

Not all children born into loner families end up being anti-social and socially disabled. Not all children from joiner families, with more money, more social standing, and more popular end up being joiners that are socially able.

As a mouthy, arrogant, hot-headed, rebellious loner and ENTJ, all these asocial characteristics redounded to my complete social disability. Has this disability been a blessing or a curse? Both, I would answer.

It has been a curse in that in a lot of ways it has wrecked my life, and caused me to suffer and be very unhappy.

It has, by accident and divine design, compelled me to stay out of groups, and build a life on my own. I have built a whole world in my head. That is the blessing. It has forced me to face God directly and immediately, coming to realize that being socially disabled is bad in the eyes of the world, but God wants us in that category now and forever.

God the Individuator and Individualist assigns to being socially disabled the value of
being blessed and open to growing into the angelic way of life, our spiritual destiny.

The task before each of us as potential maverizers is unnaturally and deliberately to reduce our herd presence and live the life of the socially disabled, God-approved life as an individuator.

Being socially disabled should be a protected class status under the constitution and natural law shield required to protect individuals and maverizers from discriminating joiners.

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