Friday, May 9, 2014

Putin, Killer And Monster

Twerp the dictator and murderer is strutting his stuff in Crimea this morning. He and apparently his people feel justified in stealing Crimea and perhaps annexing all of Ukraine. He is seeking to restore Russia's sordid greatness illegally by invading defenseless neighbors. They are defenseless because Chamberlain Obama is not putting thousands of Americans troops along the border between Ukraine and Russia to prevent little Hitler from reconstituting the czarist empire a province at a time.

Russians are collectivists. Collectivists use the moral justification of Orthodox Christianity and dreams of fulfilling Russian destiny by trampling neighbors. The whole thing is a lie, immoral as heck, and a sham. It is organized crime as armed thugs rob, terrorize, browbeat and extort neighbors. Putin's God is the Dark Lord from Hell. It is not God above.

Once again Russians bring totalitarianism, economic ruination, war, violence and death to their neighbors. This is the legacy that they have bestowed on their neighbors for hundreds of years. Where has it gotten them? Did theft, murder, imprisoning and colonizing neighbors bring their own people prosperity, peace and happiness? Obviously it did not.

Only living in cantons as anarchist-individuators will bring any of us liberty, peace, prosperity, fulfillment and happiness, that which God seeks for us.

What Putin is launching against the Ukraine hurt all and helps none, but perhaps, Secretary Kerry,  if we slap him with enough sanctions, he will be frightened and scurry home, and stay within his legitimate borders.

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