Saturday, May 24, 2014

God Hates Cowards

This line apparently was spoken by Reverend Franklin Graham recently in a sermon that he gave. It is stated a bit brusquely, but it is essentially accurate. Satan loves cowards because they will not stand up, speak out, go against the corrupt norm, speaking out against what is accepted as proper, popular and regular by the majority of people.

God loves those that stand alone, that speak out, that do what is right, regardless of the consequences, regardless of a severe hit to their social capital.

As I wrote last week, you never lacked ability. You only lacked guts and confidence. You can become whatever you want to, and only the self-imposed limits on your expectations for yourself directly limits what you can accomplish in this life. God loves the courageous for they dare to live, wonder, imagine, work, loved, pray and do, do, do.

Lead your childish, cowardly, group-centered ways behind you. Become a self-realizing adult. Be brave--take some risky, scary chances and become somebody, no longer a nobody. Stand out and stay out--God loves the woman that earns her angel wings by what she has done with her life during her life time.

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