Friday, May 16, 2014

Twitter HashTag Campaigns

Twitter Hashtag campaigns are underway right now to save those poor Christan girls in Nigeria. (This is what Islamo-Fascism looks like, and this is a clear glimpse into the totalitarian future of a one-world caliphate under which an ayatollah from Iran rules the world under shariah law, having imposed totalitarian theocracy upon the world--I will fight them to the death, if anyone cares to join me.). Hannity advises that we quit hashtagging and send in the special forces. He is right; we must use force to crush evildoers, fast and hard.

There is a current Twitter Hashtag campaign against rape. This is acceptable. I would advise feminists to expand their campaign to apply to all people. I would refer to the campaign as soul-rape. That is where political parties, organizations, businesses, governmental entities, and cliques of all types  break the spirit of any human being.

Under my Hashtag cultural campaign against soul-rape, I would urge all to soul-rape none, and allow none to soul-rape them. Soul-rape occurs when the essential goodness and capacity inherent in each individual is suppressed by the self or others. The end is result is an unhappy, enslaved, undeveloped life of nonindividuation for billions of wrecked, unfulfilled and unfulfilling lives. Feminists could be of great help in freeing all from soul-rape to work towards soul-respect through which a personal life of maverizing is allowed, encouraged and rewarded here in the secular realm.

Like Facebook, I am a latecomer to Twitter and the Hashtag culture, and it is a deficiency that I hope to correct later this year.

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