Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Fairness is about equality of opportunity, not equality of outcomes. The former releases the individual from bondage, so she can go out and get it, and make something of her life.

The latter binds her deeper into bondage as experts, politicians, academics and public agency functionaries compare and contrast how people turn out, and rob the producers and give it to lackluster performers to make outcomes more level, all in the name of fairness.

What is unfair is not to allow each person to be equipped with the technology of know how to live, be self-confident and driven to get ahead.

What is fair is to plant the cultural concept in the mind of each children that she is to live free, work hard, self-realize and love God, herself and others. Then any resulting inequality of outcome will be irrelevant for most will achieve upper middle class affluence, and that is a sufficient gain for most people.

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