Friday, August 1, 2014

Bloomington Briefing

I read this newsletter sent out to the homes of the taxpayers by City Hall, and I feel mixed responses.

When the dust settles, we still need government, though on a much more local and modest scale for  the most part. There should be national and international levels of government, but constitutionally demarcated and regulated. Localism is everything.

On the negative side I sense that Bloomington city government is  very liberal, very civil service. I realize that this description is vague, but it is creeping. controlling socialism that has wormed and worked its way into every aspect of our lives. As the state grows, liberty shrinks and indvidualism withers.

We cannot have individuator anarchists without maximum power and independence allocated to the individual, with a weak, non-intrusive local government impacting them as they maverize. The Bloomington city government is way more government than we need. It is hard for me to describe that or quantify that, but I sense what it is, and what is should be scaled back to. It is too big, too intrusive.

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