Saturday, August 9, 2014

Utopia Sought

The cultured secular snobs on the Left seek one world order, a utopia situated so that there is equality of wealth and opportunity for all people everywhere. Fraternity will trump individual rights and liberties as government agencies police every aspect of citizens' lives. And of course in this Marxist heaven on earth, there will be no strife, no violence, no war.

They learn nothing from very recent history where it is indisputable that what was purported to start out as a Marxist paradise quickly crumbled into a totalitarian nightmare of poverty, untold suffering, secret police, torture, gulags, mass murder and perpetual warring around the globe.

The Socialists are eager and willing to try what utterly failed again and again. I say enough. Let us dump social justice, groupism, centralized power models and deprivation of individual liberty. out of American exceptionalism will grow our high civilization.

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