Thursday, December 10, 2015


Cheney is a smart man and a war hawk favorite of mind, but he is dead wrong about Trump. Islam does not separate church and state, so what we are banning is not the faith aspect of their world (we do not care as conservatives who they worship or how they worship) from America but the secular, political and legal part: the culture, the vicious, inhuman shariah law, the violent war against the world by radical Islamists seeking world domination, and barbaric intolerance of individual rights, human rights, the rule of law, and democratic values. We must require a loyalty political oath of all Muslims that want to move here or visit here, to protect the homeland. It has nothing to do with hating their faith. It has everything to do protecting the homeland and asserting our constitutional and legal right to protect ourselves from totalitarian immigrants wanting to come here and harm the people. Why would we tolerate that?

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