Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Lindsey Graham

Lindesy, the RINO hack, blasted Trump as a race-baiting, xenophobic religious bigot for proposing that all Muslims be banned from America until we figure out what to do about international, Islamic terrorism.

We do need these moratorium until we come up with a plan. Levin tonight accuses Hilary and Barak for having blood on their hands for having open borders to let terrorists in, and allowing ISIS to rise up unopposed by leaving Iran and Syria to rot.

Liberty, security and rule of law is compromised by the the despots in the ruling class, of both parties, that have hurt the Constitution and imposed big government despotism upon America, concludes Levin.

These ruling class hypocrites include Obama, Hilary, Ryan, Boehner, Graham, Reid and McConnell.

Muslims follow a faith in which state and church are combined, so their theocratic fascism and tyrannical, abusive shariah law, and totalitarian war upon the whole world makes us have them pass an oath of loyalty, not a religious test (who cares what they believe or whom they pray to) but a political, loyalty test.

We are not obliged to allow enemy combatants and terrorists to enter our country, or spread their evil political system antithetical to the glorious, humane values of our constitutional republic. With that in mind, it is not race-baiting, xenophobic and bigotry of any kind to exclude these people until they are vetted and take their political loath of loyalty to America, its survival and its way of life.

It is the ruling class that are bigoted against Americans, against Christians, against Constitutionalism, against its actual citizens. It is the ruling class that hates the American people by growing government.

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