Thursday, December 10, 2015


This prominent and devout priest, loyal to Jehovah, did much to abolish or reduce pagan worship among the Hebrews at that time: 2 Kings, 11, 17-18: Then Jehoiada made a covenant between the Lord as one party and the people as the other, by which they would be the Lord's people; and another covenant, between the king and the people. Thereupon all the people of the land went to the temple of Baal and demolished it.

As a conservative Unitarian-Universalist, I affirm that the major deities have many names and followers that adhere to the deity whose visage and language they speak. I love this passage because the people sign a covenant with Yahweh (Father Sky God), and thereupon they are regarded by Yahweh as his people once again due to their love, loyalty, reverence and devotion to worshiping Yahweh.

May we today sign a covenant of loyalty and allegiance to one of the major deities, thereupon transforming into God's people. For Mavellonialist believers, the covenant cementing the relationship bwtween believers and Father Sky and Mother Earth is triggered by each devotee's pledge and active functioning to self-realize as commanded by the Divine Parents to do.

Now other faiths worship competing deities. Baal must have been a wicked deity or at least his adherents had immoral or degraded ethical practices that deeply offended virtuous Yahweh.

The parallel for today is that competing deities and other-believing followers are to be coexisted with and tolerated as long as they are not Lera worshipers or engaged in wicked practices.

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