Thursday, December 10, 2015

Separation Of Chruch & State

The Father and Mother as worshiped by me as a Mavellonialist, are supremely powerful, supremely loving, supremely smart, supremely long-living, major deities that are individuated indivdualists that create, rule, promulgate and administer natural law.

Mine is a rational religion, a kind of logical theism.

God has informed us and me that moderation is the key to leading a morally and spirutally good life.

What this means in terms of government structure is that God insists that separation of church and state be the law of the land, and a constitutional amendment.

God is an anarchist, a free market lawful anarchist, that loves constitutional republicanism best.  Where the individual is large, goverment necessarily is small.

Where the individual is large, institutions of all descriptions necessarilyare small.

Separation of church and state is critical to keep individuals, as citizens, and worshipers of the Father and the Mother, moderate, moral and free.

Under Islam for examples, without separation of church and state, the mullah is the dictator, and the dictator is the head ayatollah.

Centralized power corrupts absolutely, and there the pure monopoly on power by Satan and Lera is unassailable. Centralized government, enslaves and controls all, runs the economy, has citizens roving in packs governed by class stratification imposed by ruling elites. The people are non-indivudated, groupist, dull, sinful, selfless, unhappy and corrupt. The institutional life cripples their spirits and souls, making them fanatical true believers.

The best guard against these political excesses in codified separation of church and state.

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