Wednesday, December 27, 2017


What I love about Mark Levin is that the Great One thinks deeply, originally, but is not constrained in sharing his conservative message. He speaks plainly and directly, with ordinary language that anyone at the bowling alley would grasp immediately.

The best of Levin over Christmas highlighted that virtue must be the hallmark  of each citizen in a constitutional republic. If the people become corrupt, depraved and weak, then the federal beast, shackled by states' rights and the Bill of Rights keeping government off the backs of each individual in society, the the just laws of the land will not be obeyed, as lawless citizens, judges, bureaucrats and elected officials eviscerate and betray the Constitution.

This emphasis on virtue is one of the two pillars undergirding the house in which a supercitizen will reside. The other pillar is leading the life of an anarchist individuator. This citizen will not allow government on any level to deprive her of power, property, liberty or life.

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