Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Tension

There is always tension between the individualist or loner, and the group that he hangs with, works with, worships with or simply is physically adjacent to.

When the clique coslesces into a mob, and their target is a great soul in their midst, then the clash of wills can turn nasty. If he is not silenced, or surrenders, or ceases living and speaking about his competing, alternative narrative and agenda, the will power struggle will escalate, maybe into violence.

He may be impolitic about expressing his point of view, or they may be militant and picking a fight, eager to show that they are running things, and are not above tackling errant neighbors. This quarrel can escalate to murder and genocide, if they combatants do not restrain themselves.

The majority will win the battle of violence with the great soul's death, but he will win the war of ideas post mortem. Eternal truth will come out regardless of frantic efforts by the worldly to suppress it.

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