Tuesday, December 26, 2017


What appears before us, and what is eternal, unseen and unknowable to us--both of these can be true or false. Their truth or falsehood is not so much that they are real or unreal--both exist--but their being true or false is more the fault of the subject, the perceiver, the the objects being perceived, be they phenomena or noumena.

If the subject lives in the truth and perceived inward and outward in a clear-eyed, realistic manner, then his account of what is perceived as phenomena or noumena largely will be truthful.

If he is self-deceived, or deceived by the group-fantasy and lies that populate the narrative of the crowd that he runs with, or if he is blinded by his ardently cherished ideology, then his perceptions about phenomena and noumena experienced, will be distored and misapprehended.

Now, could it be that angels or demons, or deities too numerous to number, could cast a shadow or mist over the phenomena or noumena encountered by a human subject, to make them distorted in the eye of the perceiver. That is possible.

If the perceiver were truth-loving and truth-oriented, his relationship with the Good Spirits should aid him in his efforts cognitively to see phenomena and noumena as they are, not as disguised.

If the perceiver were ignorant or wicked and falsehood-dependent, then his dependency on the Evil Spirits would make it impossible for him to know any phenomena or noumena as they are, disguised or not.

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