Sunday, March 17, 2019

Christchurch, New Zealand

The world-wide media feeding frenzy about mass-killer Brenton Tarrant against Muslims at a mosque in New Zealand will quickly morph into a distorted mischaracterization of white extremism and white nationalism on the rise, etc.

Patrick Kingsley that wrote an article for The New York Times on 3/15/19 that appeared in the 3/17/19 will not let this tragedy go to waste as the lying, smearing Left exploits this tragedy to attack their favorite victims.

In Nigeria about 150 Christians were slaughtered by Muslim extremists, but that received little of this attention, and of course Red China is after 1 million of its Muslim minority people.

Kingsley, the Left and the Times, seek to imply that whites, white nationalism and white supremacists are haters that  will lead to the rise of Nazism once more.

Tarrant was connected to other white killers on the Internet, so we don't want the Left urging that conservative speech or dissident speech on the Internet be classified as hate speech so that governments can criminalize, silence and censor such speech on an open and free Internet.

We do not want Leftists implying that whites that want limited immigration are racists. We want control of our borders and our country. It is more anti-immigrant than anti-non-white and anti-Muslim.

Kingsley condemns that killer's online manifesto whose goal was to prevent Muslims and non-whites from taking over Western society, to urge white-majority countries to curb immigration to deport non-whites and to urge whites to have more children to stop the decline of white populations.

Well, I share these goals but I am not racist at all, and nor am I anti-Muslim. I am a white nationalist but abhors Nazism, Communism or any ism enforced by a centralized, totalitarian state. I am a white nationalist but am much more an American nationalist that does urge whites to have more babies so that we do not lose our majority white Western nations. I do not want non-whites or Muslims to take over Western societies, and curbing immigration and building the border wall are ways to gain this.

I denounce any white or Western people that would deport non-white or Muslim citizens, but I am for deporting illegal immigrants and the children of illegal immigrants out of America.

I berate liberals, Leftists and elites in the political class that try to associate Tarrant and other sickos with Trump, whites, conservatives, Americans or white nationalists--that is a lie, a smear and a most, nasty, vicious character assassination campaign against our fine President.

The non-whites, the Muslims and the illegal immigrants that invade Europe or America, as illegal aliens should be sent home, not ever being allowed to become voters and citizens, especially in America.

We should also be limiting legal immigration here to about 100,000 people a year.

What is the Left up to? First, they want Tarrants use of guns to justify gun confiscation and complete disarmament of citizens in all countries. They take advantage of every tragedy to gain power, restrict liberty, infringe on gun rights, all in the name of national security and anti-terrorism.

Second, they lie about the rise of white extremism and white domestic terrorism. They want to blame white for any problem in the world, for any strife for any injustice, and violence. It is the fascists, socialists and Muslim extremists around the world that are behind the vast majority of violent outbursts around the world.

Third, they want governments to use domestic surveillance by federal police to surveil and go after conservative and white nationalist and anti-immigration movements as unlawful and racist. This Communist purge of white and conservatives must not be sanctioned.

Fourth, they want to shut down conservative and free speech on the Internet, and that cannot be allowed or our free American society will shut down.

Fifth, they want to seize all guns, and that Creep Tarrant gives them ammunition for this power grab.

Sixth, they accuse whites of seeking a race war, but the race war, which may come in 20 years, will be Muslims and non-whites against whites, conservatives and Westerners, and if these socialist enemies attack us, it will be to wipe us off the face of the earth. They are the haters and instigators and are the victimizers, though they claim to be champions of victims and underdogs.

We reject the Left, their smearing of whites, conservatives and Westerners, and we will continue to defy them.

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