Sunday, March 10, 2019

In God's Name

We need faith so that morals grow organically out of spiritual goodness. In this way most Americans will be a virtuous people of faith, that live well and right, while doing so with thanks to God and with God's blessing.

Now in history it is undeniable that many religious wars and atrocities have been committed against rival sects in God's name.

Moral behavior flows from God, and immoral behavior stems from Lucifer. Lucifer is the head joiner in the universe and he controls all cliques, and crowidsts and group-livers. Among them reason, love and moderation are subordinated to emotional excess, mob-hatred and fanatical dedication to a demagogue, the state, a faith or a cause, and these four latter categories are not from God even when the perpetrators commit atrocities and murder in God's name.

Remember, the cardinal natural law of moderation through which God pronounces that the middle is the way, but the middle may sometimes be more to the left or to the right than dead center, depending on worldly context and stances taken in a given generation or standoff. The corollary to the natural, moral law that moderation is the highest good is the insistence that moderate goal is the end, but the means must be a honorable, moderate or good means, never a dishonorable, immoderate and evil means to a good end.

Those zealots, hypocrites, idealists and liars that use violence and force to crush opposition to their religion are guilty of demonic cruelty. What is spiritually and morally good must always be accepted by unbelievers of their own free will, in their own good time, if they ever convert. There is no exception to this, or it cannot be from God, and you have no right to proselytize in God's name.

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