Sunday, March 10, 2019

Giving 16 Year-Olds The Vote

Democrats have lots of ideas, and most of them are terrible, reckless and dangerous. If 18 year-olds are not to be trusted to own guns or to drink, how can 16 year olds be trusted with the vote? They lack the full cognitive growth, the mature independence of mind, personal experience that teaches wisdom, and the rational processing of political issues complete by the adult voter as a logical, principled individuals.

Teenagers run in packs, and their groupthink and crowd-conformity, and their history of urban gang activity, and their being the victims of public school brain-washed, socialist-loving, their slavish obedience to and credultiy to whatever is blasted at them on social media--all these alarming trends in their behavior render them unfit and too immature to handle the voting franchise.

Hoffer warned about converting whole populations into disaffected, juveniles gangs turned loose upon society, like what happened to America in the 60s and 70s, and the gangs of youths that Mao in China turned loose upon his lethargic Revolution to reinvigorate it.

Turning mobs of millions of angry, congregated teenager loose against society, conservatives, adults and traditional Americans will blow up our civil society, and I believe that this is exactly what the radicalized Democratic Party is craving by authorizing millions of children to attack adults all across America in the name of social justice and Progressive reform. 

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