Sunday, September 8, 2019

Joseph Tartakovsky

Joseph is a lawyer and writer with the Claremont Institute. His Prager U video on Alexander Hamilton is excellent. He points out that Hamilton was an administrative genius, who probably is the Founder of our great nation, without whose tireless advocacy for a federal republic, and his impressive practical facility for breaking through impasses and getting things done is what was required at the time as the weak, feckless, indecisive Congress could not rise above petty, narrow local interests to pursue a national interest.

We do need and have a federal republic, but it needs to be cut way down to size to return to its origins as a strong, effective, frugal, efficient, limited federal government.

As an individuating anarchist, I want as much power ceded to the individual in the private sector in civil society as possible and workable, and local governance at the canton level, as much as is possible and workable.

Prager writes that the bigger the government, the smaller the individual. To invert that, the larger the Mavellonialist supercitizen, the much increased will be personal liberty and power as the government shrinks down to be its right-sized self again.

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