Sunday, September 8, 2019

True Mythology

If you talk to God, commune with God, if your irrational heart is in tune with God's sentiments, then you can be sent or devise, at least partly on your own, a true mythology about the universe, its origins, its present condition, and its destination, final or otherwise.

I do not know if I believe in false mythologies about the nature of God. If the mythology is put up by satanists or fanatics (their true mythology becomes a false mythology as their fanaticism makes it false, vicious, spurious, toxic and extreme), it is a false mythology.

If the mythology is bizarre, a wild distortion and deliberate misinterpretation of sacred text, or is factually or logically absurd, then they could be false mythologies.

For the most part God is greater than any of our narrow, parochial cosmologies. God is all things to all people, not in some sordid, deceitful way, but in an open loving way, able to, as the Absolute, to converse freely and effectively with believers from many competing, subjective points of view.

God would not regard their mythologies as false, but nor would God ever regard their mythologies as utterly true, perfectly capturing the religious sentiment of all searching souls.

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