Saturday, September 14, 2019

Muslims In Australia

I could not find an author to attribute this article, but it comes from Israel Wire.

Apparently something called The Daily Trump News picked up this article, a month old, and posted it on Facebook today (9/15/19). It was about a  picture of Muslim men or elders in Australia complaining that its national anthem was oppressive and a method of forced assimilation.

That is the complaint made public by " . . . that is the claim that the Islamist activist group Hizb ut-Tahrir claimed at the “Innocent Until Proven Muslim” conference at Bankstown, . . .". The male elders posed with a sign accusing Australians of being racist.

Let me quote the article: "The conference was attended by about 800 people. A key issue raised at the conference by the group was Muslim children being required to sing the Australian national anthem at school.

“The Australian anthem is based upon a particular view in history, it is a reading of history, and it is a statement which conforms to particular values."

Yes, the Australian and American national anthems are based on a particular view of history, and we insist that immigrants and natives alike conform to Western, democratic values and worldviews, or go home, or stay home. Islamists never assimilate anywhere, and always confront, compete with and outlast the native culture. We in the West know an enemy from within when we spot and hear from the, and shariah law needs to be outlawed here, period. Muslim kids must sing the national anthem, assimilate, say the pledge of allegiance, show respect for authority and the flag, and renounce shariah law and values from the old countries. This is not intolerant but is to protect our culture, our values, our way of life.

These elders protest, through their spokesman, Hamzah Quereshi, that they obey the laws of Australia, and that is sufficient, but they, the Muslims, and their children, reject Australian values, and should not be forced to adopt the values or assimilate. Multiculturalism leads to civil war and strife. The American Way is the best culture and political system in the world, so assimilate or not be let in--it is that simple and that final.

Let me quote that article again: "Mr. Badar told the conference. [1] There is a pretty good reason for that, like Robert Spencer has noted: “Because if you don’t adopt our values, eventually you will subvert the law."

This is what caught my eye. If you reject our values, you will subvert the law. A criminal is at war with society, so he subverts the law by breaking the law.

If Muslims refuse to assimilate and go native and be patriotic, then they will subvert the law, overthrow the law and its democratic government, and bring in totalitarian Islam and shariah law for good measure.

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