Thursday, September 19, 2019

Where We Disagree

I wish that I had more time to follow Dennis Prager. He is a good, Jewish-American intellectual and sage, of immense wisdom. I would love to watch every Prager U video, read his rational Bibles, listen to every fireside chat, and read his books, but I have my own projects to work on.

I have two areas of disagreement with him. We agree that humans are corrupt from birth, and that happiness can only be realized or achieved by the individual holding a metaphysical, tragic sense of life, back up by religious faith to sustain him through times of loss, suffering and doubt.

He is an altruist, as are most Jewish and Christian thinkers (the Moslems, Hindus, Taoists and Buddhists likewise), defining our altruistic and other-interested motives as good, and our egoistic and self-interested motives as selfish and wicked. Children must receive spiritual and moral upbringing to civilize them so that they become good, responsible citizens and contributing members of society that are loving, rational and in control of their passions and appetites.

I recommend that children are born evil or altruistic (They hate themselves from birth, and hate others too, but are addicted to pack-living, and the is the source of evil in this world.), but they must receive training in moral and spiritual goodness to be motivated by enlightened self-interest, to love themselves, God and others, so that they can become responsible contributing adults that do their duty, meet their obligations to individual-live, self-realize and pursue their own happiness while caring for others and the upkeep of society.

The other area of disagreement is one that I most recently uncovered. Prager was cited on one of his videos as explaining that God is beyond gender assignation.He explained away Biblical references to Yahweh or God the Father as mere useful pronoun designation for the sake of nudging young men to be good and obey God, motivated by a male voice in authority, one that they are more inclined to heed and take seriously.

God is an individual and individual have sharp, defined, categorizable, wonderful characteristics that are clear, real and identifiable. God is God the Father, a male, and God is my generic name, for God the Mother too, and the Father is a male and the Mother is a female. In this Prager and I disagree.

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