Thursday, September 19, 2019


I just got off the phone with one of my lighting stores. The owner is a second generation wholesaler, very smart, very balanced, one of the most decent, fair, genial, and logical men that you would ever want to meet.

He volunteered that a 2100 square foot house in St. Paul is now paying $13,000 in property taxes. I do not know if this anecdote was self-referential, but he lamented that a man making $90,000, whose wife, always stayed home with three kids, now has to go to work, because a $90,000 income is insufficient to care for the family of five without the wife going out to work.

This is a startling statistic about how inflation, and government profligacy are destroying middle class America. This man is no radical at all, probably a George Bush conservative, not a Mark Levin constitutional conservative, like I am, but he is furious.

Leftism is ruining America on all levels. New York, Illinois, California and New Jersey are converted into expensive, unlivable hell holes, with the few rich and the masses are poor, while the middle class dwindles in size and influence.

It is not too late for Minnesota, but we too can be destroyed be Leftist culture and government overreaching. I have never gotten over the fact that the Left destroys all it touches, and Marxism has failed everywhere, but still Marxism and Leftism is still be touted and highly regarded by tens of millions of Americans.

We are basically evil, and our evil is compounded by our group-living, and thereby, citizens display agonizing, gullible susceptibility to being brainwashed and ordered to obey groupthink about the glories of socialism from elites running Hollywood, the professions, Academia, the church, mass media and the educational system on all levels.

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