Saturday, March 14, 2020

Born Depraved

We are born depraved. This means that we are psychological altruists (instinctively group-oriented and other-centered, the source of natural selfishness). This means we naturally suffer from low self-esteem and do not like ourselves. Since we loathe ourselves, we are filled with emotions of hatred, anger, frustration and resentment. We attack ourselves and others to temporarily be rid of these hurtful feelings, but it is a most ineffective palliative. All it does is makes us more sick emotionally and spiritually, and corrupts the individuals in the community, and poison all interactions.

The solution is to raise up a generation of children as normative egoists (Socially nurtured to reinforce their weak, innate sense of enlightened self-love so that they self-actualize as adults, individual-live, and lead normal, sane self-centered lives, the mode of existence which fosters a good habit of learned egoistic selflessness and self-control that leads to love of the self, and through this indirectly to the love and benevolent treatment of others.).

Normative egoists enjoy sensible, tranquil self-esteem that allows and indeed internally mandates for them and of them that they also esteem and treat well all other individuals. When normatively egoist adults operate in society, their emotional state is one of calm equilibrium, contentment (not smugness or complacency) love, healthy pride, a feeling of enjoyment, perhaps even happiness. As more and more adults enjoy this healthy, egoistic frame of mind, as a civil society, a complex cluster of thousands of unions of egoists, social cooperation, mutual appreciation and harmony will likely break out.

We need to reject the moral training of Christianity and all traditional religions everywhere because they roughly see other-centeredness as loving and good, and self-centeredness as selfish and wicked. Satan and Lera have duped all the participants of the good traditional religions to train their adherents how to hate themselves and others, thereby keeping depraved followers living in corruption, sin and darkness as group-livers.

We need to enlighten and to reassure traditional believers that they can keep and worship their original faiths going forward while embracing a new moral code--to live as moderate, self-loving, individual-living self-realizers that strive to reach the existential status of living angels in service to the Mother and Father, those Ultimate Individuators.

Individualists, as enlightened egoists, are much more loving of the self and others, than are the attitudes and practices of millions of unenlightened altruists. As people live as individualistic individuators, left alone to do their own thing, then the social harvest will be the presence of more love and a love of the highest quality. It will be a desired, memorable, grand and retained transition.

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