Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Abigail Shirer did a Prager U video about a year ago on Preferred Pronouns or Prison: He/She/They/Ze/Co/Thon.

She begins her video with a famous concept: totalitarian elites plot to control the thoughts of the masses by controlling their words. She is alarmed that this alien thought and practice is now being implemented in America.

The landlords, teachers, professors and health care workers are already being forced to us language against their will or conscience. If they do not conform to compelled speech they can lose their business, their jobs, get fined or even suffer jail time.

She commented that Jerry Brown passed a bill in 2017 that health care workers, if intentionally refusing to use the transgender person's preferred pronoun of choice, they could face legal sanctions.

It was immaterial if the worker adopted the biologically based view that one's chromosomes at birth determine the baby's sex as male or female. It matters not if the worker holds the Christian viewpoint that sex is biological and binary, God's purposeful creation.

Shrirer insists that compelled speech if un-free speech, and that is unconstitutional, undemocratic and wrong.

The authoritarian Left seeks to stifle debate and to silence dissident that believe that sexual orientation is biollogically predetermined, not a mere social construct assigned at birth.

I side with her totally.

As individuating, anarchist supercitizens, we will need radical free speech so that we use the language in a way that expresses our outlook and opinions that comprise our personal narrative, our poperty and our verbal anthem shared with the world at large.

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