Saturday, March 28, 2020

Dennis Prager on YouTube

Dennis narrates one of his older videos, and it is filled with wondrous generalization all tidily delivered in a 5 minute lecture.

He contrasts Liberals from Leftist six different ways. Here are his illustrative examples.

1. Race: Liberals regard the color of one's skin as irrelevant. All are to be treated equally and fairly as individuals and by the content of their character. Anyone that obsesses about race is a racist.

Along come Leftists that not only obsess about race, insisting that race matters, but they pigeonhole every human whose essence is derived from the identity groups in which they were born. Leftists are against integration and are for resegregating blacks, etc. They are racists, and I would go farther describing them as reverse-racists for the way that they pick on whites, labeling us as oppressors, who never will be let off the hook, and against whom they will conduct pogroms once their Bolshevik revolution is in place in American as foreseen by them.

2. Liberals like capitalism and the free market enterprise that uplifted hundreds of millions if not billions of people around the world. Liberals are for some mild reforms of capitalism but it ends there.

Leftists abhor capitalism, seeing it as inherent corrupt and irredeemably flawed, to be replaced by socialism, and eventual pure Communism. Communism brings economic collapse, financial ruination to all, and leads to cruel totalitarian practices against the people.

3. Liberals are nationalists, patriotic enjoying our American, national identity. They are proud of and insist upon our sovereignty, and borders protected.

Leftists decry and detest nationalism. They divide the world by class not by national identity. They worship open borders, globalist solutions and a real United Nations to rule the world. Such a universal monarchy will be corrupted, and will be one-world government.

4. The liberal view of America celebrates America, as in Lincoln's motto, America is the last, best hope on earth.

Leftists dismiss America as hopelessly rotten, unjust and the source of evil and suffering in all the world. It is so bad, they argue, that it is beyond salvation and reform, and must just be destroyed utterly and replaced by a Marxist utopia.

The Left regards itself as the last best hop on earth without prejudice while Americans are racist, feminist while Americans are sexist, gentle while Americans are violent, coexisting with other people in harmony and peace, whereas Americans are xenophobic,imperialistic and warmongering.

How do they extend Marxist revolution without violence, war, armed struggle and world conquest? They pretend to support feminism, racial openness and justice but in reality all citizens end up as slaves of the totalitarian government over them all, and thus the dignity, liberty and worth of every citizen is trampled and degraded. How can they hate the West, ever plotting its demise without expressing their reverse xenophobia as they conspire to eliminate Westernism from the face of the earth?

5.  Liberals revere freedom of speech, wholly disapproving of "hate speech" and politically incorrect speech while declaring their readiness to fight and die for the right of conservatives and others to speak as they will without interruption, censorship or arrest.

Leftists are quite comfortable with suppressing free speech, any speech that they disagree with. At campus, in the workplace and in the government and tech companies, the suppression of free speech is widely practiced by Leftists.

6. Liberals love Western civilization and are proud of its intellectual giants whose moral, philosophical, artistic, musical and literary achievements are the envy of the world and much be taught to future generations.

Leftists downgrade Western Civilization as no  better than any other culture. Western culture is white supremacy so it must be disregarded and replaced by just substitutes.

Leftists are postmodernist, Marxist nihilists and they are the enemy.  Liberals must join us in condemning them, and ferociously opposing them.

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