Saturday, March 14, 2020

Objective Withtout Hegelianism

How can one be objective without Hegelianism?

Let me digress first with some baseline information First, Hegel is an absolute idealist, proposing that agent, the thinking self, can only have knowledge about the world out there, if the agent, is part spirit, a reasoning consciousness, as is God or the Absolute, that Supreme Consciousness, whose Reason exists and permeates the supersensible world, the natural world and human society, regulation to all these ordered dimensions. God's spirit or reason permeates all reality, though material objects do exist out there, and have their own physicality and reality.

Out of his view that humans are mere cogs in the machine as the historical dialectic unfolds, progressing upwards until the Absolute is revealed in all its glory.

The state, the prince and the church are the big institutions that the individual is to serve, but this kind of subservience is the ethics and politics of altruism, and that is deciding by feeling not thinking, so it is a wierd subjective human approach.

To be objective without Hegelianism requires that the government be decentralized so that the objective individualist comes to the fore as an egoist anarchist, an individuating anarchist, a supercitizen running his canton in a free market economy under a constitutional republic. Such citizens will be intellectual but practical and worldly, rational and logical more that whimsical and sentimental, so this approach is objective individualism without Hegelian surrender of the self-autonomy tot he all-powerful state.

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