Sunday, March 29, 2020

Reckless People

Leftists, bureaucrats, elitists, politicians and statists are reckless, clueless dangerous people. They salivate every time the Legislature or Congress are in session. They thoughtlessly over-legislate, overspend and overreach, making the government bigger and bigger, consuming ever more of the economy, intruding aggressively and with speed to invade and consume the domain of privacy, property, liberty, life and power of each citizen, robbing them of these attributes, these inalienable rights--transferring personal property, liberty, life, power and privacy to government apparatchiks.

This is how socialism has been converting America to a federal monster, in which tyranny, centralized, excessive power, entrenched elites, crony capitalism and over-legislating have gutted the constitution, trampled natural rights, nationalized whole segments of the economy, and brought tyranny unto the heads of the people.

To restore the constitutional republic will be an uphill battle, difficult, daunting and perhaps impossible.

Where to start? We must begin with the citizens. Only citizens, politically enlightened, logical, informed and skeptical of authority, will wield the assertive power of grassroots lobbying to right the ship of state, to order politicians on how to vote.

Only individuating, anarchist supercitizens have their gold standard, of government as it should be, that New Jerusalem, that constitutional republic, in mind during legislative session.

When each citizens recognizes that, with every new anonymous, bureaucratic regulation proclaimed, with the power of law over the people and businesses out there in the private world, with every new law passed by the legislators or Congressman, signed into law by the governor or President, the power and reach of the tyrannical state is increased, and the decentralized, devolved power of the private citizen with liberty enjoyed under our functioning, limited constitutional republic, is diminished.

As laws are passed with increasing profusion and regularity, the government get bigger and the individual citizens get smaller--so announced Prager.

The power to legislate is inherently a corrupt and corrupting capability, and the people must leash and direct politicians and bureaucrats, so that they do not grow government and tyranny through lawmaking.

To this end, term limits for state and federal Senators of two terms, and two terms for House members.

To this end, if the supercitzen organizations take over the Democratic and Republican Parties, or are pressure groups within these parties., we need constitutional amendments on the state and federal level to recall any politician, including the President,  at any time during their term of office, for disobedience to the will and directive of the majority of their constituents. If 40% of the eligible voters petition for a recall vote, let it be done.

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