Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Sage

 My remarks below contains my written description of and interpretation on comments made by Pager. The remarks were made by Dennis Prager, likely from his Fireside Chat, recorded for online distribution on 11/6/20 at 11:29am. The clip is titled: "The American Ideal: Individual Responsibility Not Socialism"

Prager explains that socialism "sounds good" to Americans who favor equality over liberty. They don't care that rejecting liberty in order to be taken care of is not only unsustainable, it's intensely anti-American.

I suggest that anyone promoting equality and being taken care of over self-determination under the legal umbrella of liberty is a person that craves totalitarianism and slavery.

Dennis continues: "Why people do prefer equality to liberty? Dennis does not care if others are richer than he is. He did not care; he just wanted to be free to make his own life."

I suggest that socialist and social engineers do care that the rich have more. They want that wealth confiscated and redistributed. They insist, in the name of justice, fairness and compassion, that everyone is the same and the outcomes be the same, even if federally forced in a procrustean manner. None are to be free; none are to be free to make lives for themselves. All belong to the state, work for the state and be be directed, down to the last detail, by state functionaries.

Dennis continues: "Most desire to be taken care of and that yearning is much greater than the desire to be free.

I suggest that Dennis is characterizing people as born corrupt and fallen. The yearning to be cared for and told how to live is more appealing to most people than the more difficult, bracing choice to be free, support oneself, be responsible for one's own fate, and to stand on one's two feet.

Dennis contines: "Liberty is a value; the human instinct is not to be free but to be taken care of, but the cared for ones are not free. That is how it works. Or you can decide to take care of yourself. I am responsible for me. To be cared for is to be a burden on society, not a success, a lost soul, a loser."

I suggest that Dennis regards liberty as a value that we train our children to adopt, revere and live for in in. The youngsters will insist upon caring for themselves, and that makes them real winners.

Dennis continues: "In most cares you are responsible for your failure. Here is the gist of the American Ideal: I take care of me, my family, my community so the state is not needed to come in and care for people.

Americans are the most generous people anywhere. Europeans are not generous, but the Europeans are socialists and the state provide care and the people give up much of their liberty.

You are to be free and responsible.

I suggest: you are responsible for your failure and your success. You care for yourself, your family and your community so the state can stay out of it.

With the Envirostatists running the bloated federal government with the nanny state caring for all people in way too many ways, we lose our country, our liberty, our independence. That is how Venezuela becomes America.

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