Saturday, August 5, 2023

Ashley Rindsberg

I knew from listening to Mark Levin that The New York times has been lying to the American people since at least 1932. This does not mean that they are never objective or truth-telling, but their agenda and their ideology is what counts to them (Leftism), and they will lie if that serves their causes.


The sad thing is that people and news outlets everywhere revere and implicitly accepted as gospel whatever was published by The New York Times, a fraudulent, dishonest, wicked legacy newspaper.


My general rule is that all media, all elites lie some of the time, and the more corrupt, totalitarian, and ideological they descend into being, then they manipulate public opinion to grow their power and influence, most if not all the time. They lie brazenly, routinely, and feel know shame. What they want to do is grow their power and influence by any means possible.


The self-actualizing supercitizen voter and consumer must assume he is being lied to and manipulated by the Fourth Estate, and it is his job to use alternative new sources to form his opinions, and seek to know what is going on, and what political choices are then to be made based upon accurate input—he will not receive it from The New York Times with their lies, minsinformation, and disinformation meant to brainwash and groupthink the cowed masses into fervent agreement with Marxist culture and totalitarian government subjugation of them. They are to be happy, eager slaves, inspired by government bondage of the people.


It confirms for me that all elites, in any institutions of any kind, including governmental agencies always seek to mind-control and manipulate the masses to keep them cowed, handled, intimidated, obedient, enslaved--conditioned to be exploited and abused.


The disillusioned voter could freak out, asking who can you trust? My answer: no one in authority all the time, and, often almost not at all.


We cannot set up our free-market constitutional republic in America the rise of a majority of citizens becoming supercitizens, highly educated, highly rational and deeply suspicious of any authority figure. They will not want to overthrow good institutional structures, but they will be very informed from objective, truth-telling sources of news, and do their own thinking, and form a common agenda on how to order all leaders of all organizations to obey, from the bottom up.


Elites of any kind are subject to turn corrupt and seek too much power and wealth, extracted from the exploited masses, so then the elites, and their new broadcasters must lie and brainwash the masses into conformity and groupthink to keep them from rising up and throwing the elites  out of power. The truth is that every oligarchy, every king, guru, or dictator throughout human history lied to the masses to keep these ignorant, culpable, naïve, overly trusting, useful idiots under control.


The masses have to get informed and love truth, and verify and check out whatever the news or the government informs them of, accepting nothing at face value. That is a moral obligation from God. Get smart, get informed, be awake, be involved, run things from the bottom up.


The supercitizens masses, a majority, must accept that living in liberty (enslaved by none and enslaving none) is their natural right and their ethical obligation from God to see that the world gets free and stays free, with no elites anywhere running institutions of any kind let alone the government—take that Leftists and Marxists.

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