Monday, August 21, 2023

Rand Ignored


Why do experts, specialists, professional philosophers with PhDs routinely ignore, dismiss, and even look down upon Ayn Rand?


I think she is right on ethics, on objectivist epistemology, partially on objective reality (she allows no spiritual substance), right on her libertarian, pro-capitalist, pro-individualist, pro-democracy, and pro-individualism positions.


If professional thinkers, the experts, almost completely downgrade her, are they mostly wrong about everything? Yes, I believe they are. Prager claims they have no wisdom, and as caught up in woke Leftist ideology, they destroy everything they touch. Prager accuses them of being agents of destruction because there is no God in their thinking—no God, no Love, Beauty, Creativity, Truth, or Cosmos.


Medical experts like Fauci set up a police state here over Covid, and now, evidence is pouring in that they handled it badly, and killed tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of Americans, by their arrogant, fanatical, totalitarian, pseudo-scientific, ideological bungling.


Eric Hoffer started the revolution against intellectuals and experts in government and academia back in the 50s. He knew instinctively and explicitly that they were dangerous revolutionaries: as aristocrats seeking to join a new ruling class of technocrats, they craved power above all else, and that their impressive sounding, self-justifying, stated, self-conscious virtual signaling as social justice warriors bringing compassionate conditions for the poor and second-class citizens, was but a ruse to destroy the American nation and culture, the best country the world has ever known.


I have a few reasons of my own for distrusting professional philosophers. But let me qualify my dislike and distrust of them, by asserting that credentialed expertise in any specialty should never be dismissed out of hand. They should be heard and given a fair hearing, but not the final say on public policy. That must be left for the masses to decide as a group from the bottom up on how to run society. I advise that society be ruled from the bottom-up, by unaverage/average citizens so smart and so original thinking as anarchist-individuator supercitizens, that they will vote among themselves as to how the country will be run, and being respectful of minority rights, they will straw poll each other to reach majority consensus on all issues, and then they will tell their politicians, their leaders, their bureaucratic functionaries how to proceed.


I see professional, highly credentialed intellectuals as intellectually, imaginatively, and morally stunted by the system that broke them, brainwashed them, groupthinked them into mob conformity, near total, fervent worship of their ideology, postmodernist Marxism.


Professors run in packs or factions, and only one worldview is allowed on a campus or in a department. They are as viciously competitive and intolerant of free speech, free thinking and free writing as gurus and their sick religious cults seeking to smash and crush equally rivaling sick cults out to take over as much of the world as they can.


Big institutions—government, mega-corporations, colleges, hospital systems, school systems, the military, the legacy media, Nashville and Hollywood monopolies on entertainment and music, the digital giants that control the internet: these institutions wipe out all dissent and individualism in their ranks. No matter how brilliant, now matter how many PhDs one would have, one ends up speaking and believing the party line, and would sacrifice one’s life and fight to the death to spread this ideology all across the earth. All members of these institutions are collectivized, radicalized, true-believers, and they think, move, and talk with one voice, and this incredible unity provides them with frightening power and momentum to overturn all opposition and dissent.


Leftism is now a Marxist mass movement, a collectivist, ideological ism that is wicked as a secular and spiritual force. Yet its self-righteous members, its social justice warriors pride themselves on being intellectually, morally, and socially superior to the masses they crave to boss around and order to just shut up and obey or be sent to prison, fired, or canceled, even killed eventually under hard totalitarian settings to follow.


That professors, experts really, are fanatics and one-dimensjonal in their absolutist stance in favor of their cherished cause--this recalcitrance renders them unable to appreciate a writer-philosopher, brilliant and ethical genius like Ayn Rand to be respected and brought into consideration in main stream philosophy even after 60 or 80 years of publishing. This is a cultural and intellectual mortal sin of the first order.


Dennis Prager met with Craig Biddle last year to start drumming up support for Rand, and Mark Levin admires her too. These three men are all geniuses, and they know her worth, despite her personal flaws (the rape in fiction of Dominique Francon by Howard Roark, and her guru status among her true-believing early followers).


Jordan Peterson claims the universities are lost and beyond reclaiming so he is starting an online university. Great.


I think I provide the best, but not only solution: I want the majority of children in America in the future to grow up to be anarchist-individuator supercitizens—that will be a brilliant, independent and original group of thinker citizens, constantly self-educating on many areas of thought, done as amateurs and professionals and no ideology, no authority figure, no Mr. Professor will hold them down and back for more than 5 minutes.


It is time for the public to award Ayn Rand the credit she deserves, while being honest about the defects in her courageous character and the flaws in her thinking—flaws in character and thinking that all of us mere mortals suffer from.

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