Saturday, August 12, 2023

Inducing Guilt


On April 2nd, 2023 Fox News interviewed Jordan Peterson for a few minutes, in response to this question: Why do you think America is headed in the wrong direction? 37% of people in a poll said our problems are so bad that America is in danger of failing as a nation. 26% said our problems are bad but America is not in danger of failing as a nation any time soon.


Peterson said people are so depressed and demoralized since the mid 60s we have been demoralizing people and it is working. We are doing well in many ways, but doomsayers have many people convinced to worry. Doomsayers are people that want to garner power to themselves. Tyrants terrorize you and use fear to have you give them all the power versus honest leaders that do not talk that way.


Left-wing types are unbelievably good t making us feel guilty. They make us feel guilty, so we doubt our country, culture, and values and way of life. Conservatives are conscientious so is easy to make them feel guilty when they shouldn’t. Kids today so fearful they do not want to marry or have kids.


My response: yes, there are problems but there is hope too, and we must give people reassurance that we can still turn things around.


Wise Jordan pointed out that we need a goal or purpose to live, and if we work at it, we feel happy as a result, not feel happy if not gain meaning about something in one’s life.

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