Monday, August 14, 2023

Individuator-Anarchist Supercitizen


The Individuator-Anarchist Supercitizen should be an active follower of some benevolent deity, but an atheist or agnostic could still self-realize as a supercitizen.


The supercitizen must and would love original thinking, honest feeling, and artistic hunches; he would practice knowing about truth, beauty, love, God. Reason and individualism. This would all impact his judgment as a skilled, wise supercitizen.


He would be a critical, independent thinker, politically with-it and astute, almost impossible to deceive, lie to or manipulate successfully in the political arena, by any politician or special interest group. He would be a nation of one, both its President, Congress, and Supreme Court, and this is where his lawful anarchism come into play. He would favor free market constitutional republicanism under our Constitution as interpreted form the originalist point of view.


This individuators-anarchist would insist that the federal government be frugal, annually balancing its budget, limited and size but strong, powerful, and efficient within its scope of legal operating.


He would be a supercitizen in that he would, as an affluent upper-class achiever, envying none and offer federal charity to very few. His vision of a classless society is one in which there are a few rich, a few poor, with 85% being upper middle class.


He bootstrapped his way to his modest level of fortune and material wealth, and he would expect others to do the same, if they even followed roughly the wealth accumulation formulas proffered by Dave Ramsey.


He would have no use for the masses (as part of a mass movement, credulous, fatuous, passive, uninformed, passionate, worshipful of authority figures and leaders, controlled-from the-top-down as group-oriented, group-living, nonindividuated, average citizens dominated, lied to, brainwashed, oppressed, exploited, enslaved, pushed around, and treated with contempt and loathing by Uni-Party ruling elites in Washington.


His being part of the masses would be acceptable him, the exceptional, aristocratic self-realizing masses being up to 150 million strong as united supercitizens, ruling all levels of government in America in accordance with their negotiated, popular, accepted agenda and legislation for obedient politicians to enact on all levels of government, whether Democrat or Republican.


He would have no time for ruling elites of any kind. His naturally masochistic need for hierarchies and to be dominated by rulers would have been sublimated by him into his own power-wielding competence as a maverizer. This kind of moral elitism, requisite for adult citizens, common to all common Americans or most of them, would supplant the political and bureaucratical hacks and corrupt frauds by firing them through bureaucratic downsizing or voting them out at the ballot box.  By working with his fellow supercitizens to run society from the bottom-up, soon no politicians desiring a career on any level of government could long withstand their pressure—even their local thugs at the state level. As one of the masses of American superecitizens, he would agree that he will work closely with his millions of fellow American citizens, now supercitizens, to agree to argue, negotiate and compromise as to agendas and legislative dos and don'ts to be provided from the bottom up for all candidates from local alderman and school board member, up through state legislatures to Congress and the Presidency.


Supercitizens would be for maximum ordered liberty allowable per capita, for near complete free speech and free talking (Jordan Peterson wants free speech because the rational individual must talk to be able to think, and we want him to think near whatever his heart picks for him to conjecture about.)


Imagine if 150 to 200 million Americans were armed to the teeth as private citizens. They could serve as a citizen militia bulwark against authoritarian government, foreign invaders, criminals, crazies and terrorists.


Now that is a citizenry to be proud of.

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