Sunday, August 6, 2023

My Prager Project


As if I did not have enough intellectual projects and chores to complete, I would love to—but do not have the time and energy—to go through all 550 Prager U videos, all 300 Fireside chats, speeches and debates by Dennis Prager.


I have watched perhaps 100 of his videos, and my project is modest—revisit about 50 of the ones that I find most useful and informative and then comment on them. For example, I will comment on one that I rewatched last night.


The Prager U video that came out 0n 4/29/2018 is narrated by Michael Knowles, and it is most insightful. Knowles observes that who controls the words, controls the minds of the masses, and then controls the culture and the government. Leftists and professors of the postmodernist ilk know this explicitly. They control the speech, so by limiting speech they dislike as hate speech, sexist speech, and disinformative, they justify suppression of free speech and free thought by the government and in social circles to control speech that they disapprove of. Down with free speech in the public marketplace, and up with public and digital enforced political correctness and ending freedom of thought and freedom of expression, consistent with authoritarian regime practices everywhere.



Knowles defines many euphemisms for vicious practices like transgender surgery for kids could be retitled as affirmative childcare.


Social justice distorts what justice is: getting what you deserve without favor is now twisted into being getting what you don’t deserve because you are favored.


I keep advocating a class of upper middle class individuator-anarchist supercitizens, numbering about 50 million strong in this country.


Where people are so bright, so critical of authority, so fiercely and so strong-willed, politically engaged with and aware of what is going on independent and originally thinking, they will online and at the coffee shop and water cooler come up with the words, language, and culture preferences to retake the American government, culture, and economy back from elites in Academia, in Washington and in Hollywood. They America-haters will no longer control the words, no longer control what the masses think or are allowed to think, speak, or act out.

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