Saturday, August 26, 2023

Peterson Censored


Dr. Larry Arnn of Hillsdale College and Dr. Jordan Peterson shared many beliefs. One of their shared axioms is that a core ideal of the West and American is that the individual is sovereign. Another shared axiom they hold is that the individual can only enjoy his freedom and liberty if he is rational and thinks for himself, freely electing how he will live his life, and what goals he will establish for himself to work towards to fill his life with meaning and value.


A third axiom that they share is that the rational individual cannot speak unless he uses language, and he must be able to think, talk and write, and his ability to speak so freely and without censor in a community of listeners, and counter-communicators, allowing knowledge and communal conceptual treasure to be amassed and deepened as all are enriched by the free and open exchange of ideas.


A fourth axiom would be that a free people in a free society need enjoy near absolute freedom of expression and speech so that society is uplift as all think, speculate and conceptualize at a potentially maximum rate and contribution to social understanding.


A fifth axiom that they would share would be that to censor or restrict unbridled free speech as violent speech or hate speech that the government has no business or right or social duty should be regulating and silencing if it is deems offensive, critical of majority or popularly shared opinions and narratives, or critical of elites in power.


I would add a 6th axiom: it is up to each American and Westerner by extension of self-realize and learn to think for himself to a maximum degree possible as a Randian first-hander, as an anarchist-individuator supercitizen. For him to think for himself, he must be able to throw out into the public domain on the internet, in prinit, on the street corner or with family and friends in the privacy of his own home, whatever he feels like saying. He must be willing to fight the government to the death, rebelling and taking up arms if necessary to keep his freedom of speech rights untouched and unregulated by any governmental policing agency ever, period.


Now let us discuss what has happened to Jordan Peterson.


I am going to take some notes from an article posted on 8/23/23 by Constitutional Nobody. I will comment on them. The title of the article is: Jordan Peterson Rips Canadian Court After It Backs Censoring Him.


Let me quote from the article, the first e 3 paragraphs: “The College of Psychologists of Ontario, after recently adopting contemporary views on gender, has warned Dr. Jordan Peterson that his clinical psychology license could be revoked due to his online expressions unless he engages in a ‘specified continuing education or remedial program.’”


My response: this sounds a lot like Red’s China’s reeducation camps where a dissident is criticized and then expected or forced to self-criticize.


The article: “On Wednesday, the Ontario Supreme Court of Justice ruled that Peterson must pay $25,000 to the College of Psychologists and confirmed he must participate in a social media instructional course.


The actions of the organization against Peterson are not for professional missteps with patients. Instead, they are admonishing him, imposing penalties, and considering ‘reeducation’ for public remarks he made on various platforms including podcasts.


In response to the verdict, Peterson strongly criticized the court and declared his intention to share ‘every aspect’ of the case with the public. He states, ‘So the Ontario Court of Appeals ruled that the (College of Psychologists of Ontario) can pursue their prosecution. If you think that you have the right to free speech in Canada, You’re delusional. I will make every aspect of this public. And we will see what happens when utter transparency is the rule. Bring it on.”


My response: Canada is ahead of US in turning into a soft socialist dictatorship, but it is headed that way hard now. Jordan Peterson is a good and brilliant man, an idealist knowing that unfettered free speech is the price of being free and learning, and the state anywhere has not right to abridge our natural right to free speech.



The article: “Among the actions that have drawn the College’s attention are Peterson’s sharing of Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre’s critique of Canadian Prime Minister Coward, Just Trudeau, his criticisms of a former top aide of Trudeau, and his disagreement with a decision related to the Trucker Convoy protestors in Ottawa.


My response: these are political criticism of a corrupt, tyrant at their federal level, and this classically protected speech in any free society in the world, which Canada no longer is.


The article: “Additionally, some actions they cited weren’t directly against the Canadian government. These include Peterson’s remarks on Joe Rogan’s podcast suggesting acceptance of certain gender ideologies is a sign of ‘civilizations collapsing,’ his skepticism about climate change data, and his criticism of Sports Illustrated’s choice of a cover model.”


My response: these are all personal opinions of a classical liberal, and he is speaking the truth n all three cases.


The article: “In a recent decision, the court denied Peterson’s plea to avoid the mandatory training, asserting that the College of Psychologists is within its rights to oversee Peterson’s statements. Judge Paul Schabas opined, ‘I have concluded that the application should be dismissed. In my view, the Decision of the IVRC (Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee) adequately and reasonably considered Dr. Peterson’s statements in the context of the College’s statutory mandate to regulate the profession in the public interest.’ Furthermore, Schabas noted that ‘the order is not disciplinary and does not prevent Dr. Peterson from expressing himself on controversial topic it has a minimal impact on his right to freedom of expression.”


Note that the Prime Minister, the judiciary, and the professional boards of licensing are all part of the woke, Leftist postmodernist ideology, and they are enforcing it as tyrants do, and the mass movement of Marxist one-party rule and CRT ruling the federal and provincial machinery seems to run very deep. It is no wonder that Canada has lost its way.


The article: “Prior to the decisions’ announcement, Peterson voiced his stance on X, saying ‘The decision of an Ontario court re, the allegations leveled against me by (the College of Psychologists of Ontario) is due tomorrow. I stand by what I have said and done and wish them luck in their continued prosecution. They’re going to need it. I tweeted and otherwise expressed my opposition to transgender surgery butchery, (Coward Justin Trudeau) and his minions, and the lying climate apocalypse-mongers. All that looks pretty good from my end. And if I can’t express such opinions in Canada, I will let the world know,”


My response: if it can happen to him there, next door, it can happen to any and all of us here tomorrow, as abortion protesters and people attending school board meetings are already being flagged by the FBI. We must all stand for absolute freedom of speech, with only a few exceptions.

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