Sunday, March 10, 2024



I receive a free emailed newsletter, The Atlas Society Newsletter, from The Atlas Society. From the one on 2/29/24, I am quoting some short entries from three different thinkers, quoted there, and then I will comment on their content.




Andrew Bernstein, Ph.D.: “Parents need to realize that the powers-that-be don’t want kids to get an education. They want kids to be indoctrinated and serve the state, and push us towards Communism. That is their goal.”


My response: Bernstein is spot on. The mission of grade schools, high schools and colleges, in the pre-Progressivist revolution days, before the woke took over all educational institutions in America, was to provide kids and college students with a general education, some moral and citizenship duty-training, some technical training, to read, write and do math, and perhaps an appreciation of what classical liberal arts exposure could provide each student with to live a productive adult life as a critically thinking, well-rounded, engaged adult.


Now that the postmodernists Progressives run the institutions of education, the aim is to indoctrinate and make reborn, each student, so she is no long an independent-thinking individual; rather she is to be remade, remade into a true believer willing to unite with other ideologues to fight and die as part of a mass movement, to further the takeover of America, by the holy cause of Progressives, Communism.


No student, no individual, no adult and no citizen is to have a separate, segregated, private existence as an autonomous, self-legislating person. Each has no separate identity from the state, and she exists only to serve the state and obey its wishes without qualm or objection, to live how the state determines, and to die when the state requires this ultimate personal sacrifice. Each student is being groomed to be a slave, a myrmidon, an automaton whose consciousness is one with and indistinguishable from the Party’s ideal conceptualization of what each citizen paragon is to exemplify.




Dwight D. Eisenhower: “If you want total security, go to prison. There you’re fed, clothed, and given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking . . .  freedom.”


My response: One cannot be a moral person, a functioning adult, unless one is an individualist that is working on self-realizing.  One cannot individuate unless one runs one’s own affairs, with great personal power at one’s fingertips—along with accompanying responsibility and choices for behaviors undertaken—with matching huge quantities and qualities of liberty self-allotted and God-granted, and not unduly restricted by the state.




Ayn Rand: “The whole progress of mankind has been away from the collective toward individualism. Toward the independent man.”


My response: Rand the artist—as much as Rand the philosopher—lived under Bolshevik collectivism. That may well have inspired her to conceive of her progressive, advancing  movement Objectivism, for mankind or humankind, a plan of action to guide humans as how to move away from the collective toward individualism, toward the independent man, the individuator.


I have concluded that God the Father, married to God the Mother—that they are Supreme Individuals, Supreme Individuators, Supreme Engineers, Supreme Crafters and Artisans, Supreme Intellectuals, Supreme Artists and Supreme Thinkers.


The Divine Couple want humans to maverize, and indeed it is our telos, our destiny, if we accept this divine beckoning, and act upon the invitation, making achievement of such living angel status as our life mission.


Ayn Rand is their agent, if not willing, witting servant. She had her faults, but her glorious instincts that to be human is to be an individual that explores and deepens human understanding of and participation with the Objective, the Rational, the democratic, the capitalist, the individual and worldly enjoyment of producing and building a full, rich life.


Her philosophical greatness and incomparable moral contribution to human welfare is yet to be acknowledged fully or publicly.



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