Saturday, March 9, 2024



I receive a newsletter from the Atlas Society. The March 7th The Atlas Society Newsletter posted four, short remarks from famous people. I will quote the four remarks and then comment on their content.


Frederick Douglas: “Liberty is meaningless where the right to express one’s thoughts and opinions have ceased to exist. That, of all rights, is the dread of tyrants.  It is the right which they first . . . strike down. They know its power.”


My response: We want our people to be individuating supercitizens, and that entails radical free speech is their natural right and social and legal right. They will think truthfully, powerfully, creatively, and fearlessly, not worrying about who is offended, hurt or show in a bad light.


Utter free speech, or close to thereabouts, is critically necessary for a free people to remain free, and to expand human knowledge, understanding and well-being.



Aleksandr Solzhennitsyn: “I understand. I sense that . . . you’re tired, but the communists who want to destroy your system are not: they’re not tired at all.”


My response: Communists are true believers and, when it comes to promoting and spreading their holy cause against enemies from within and without, the united force of this mass movement, their complete unity of opinion, their tireless energy—all of these strengths allow them to wear down and overthrow all opponents.


Only moderate but principled, iron-willed inindividuator supercitizens would never, tire, never hesitate, and never give up fighting and stopping these evil people and their unholy cause.


Ayn Rand: “The purpose of morality is to teach you, not to suffer and die, but to enjoy yourself and live.”


My response: Well, life is suffering according to Jordan Peterson, and he has a point, and we are all mortal. We should minimize needless suffering and malevolence-induced suffering in the world. We should live for the sake of our vales more than be willing to die for them, but, if we must suffer while doing God’s will, or die for God’s cause, that is our known duty to meet and master.


Rand too has a point that you should enjoy yourself and live if you honorably can, and still you should maverize, live to live and enjoy yourself in this world as much as possible.


Stephen Hicks: “Woodrow was our first Democratic, socialist president. Explicitly, according to his own labeling and self-description.”


My response: Amen.

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