Thursday, March 14, 2024



Yesterday, 3/13/24, I watched a 30-minute online video in which Jordan Peterson testified before Congress, on 3/7/24.  The Hearing, at which Peterson testified, was a Jim Jordan The Select Committee. Here is the agenda of that Hearing, as presented by Jordan’s website on the issue:




House Judiciary Committee Republicans logo

Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government



Thu, 03/07/2024 - 10:00 AM


2141 Rayburn House Office Building

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government will hold a hearing on Thursday, March 7, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. ET. The hearing will examine how Big Government has colluded with Big Banks to surveil Americans' private financial data. The financial surveillance uncovered by the Committee was not predicated on any specific evidence of particularized criminal conduct and it focused on terms and specific transactions that concerned core political and religious expression protected by the Constitution.”


My response: It seems as if the FBI was gathering information on private citizens without a search warrant, with willing access to private citizen financial information given to the FBI by Big Banks, and the victims were not informed by the Big Banks that they are being monitored, perhaps profiles made of each citizen, and then this is shared with the FBI secretly.



I do not want to rehash the Hearing or Peterson’s testimony, but the gist of it is that Big Government, Big Tech, and Big Banks are colluding to profile and gather illegally and secretly information on each citizen. Everyone should watch this ominous hearing video for themselves.


With the advent and rapid advancement in digital currency prospects, and online economic activity, and the remarkable and frightening growth of AI analysis, it is chilling, even prospectively totalitarian that this technology and its complete, the illegal invasion of the privacy of every citizen by Big Government, can be used by the government against the American people.


The CCP Party in China uses this AI gathered profile of each citizen to punish dissidents, and coerce all into conforming to Party dictates, and free slave labor allows those that are dissidents that have lost their low social credit rating, to serves as slaves working free for the Chinese government, to work off their sinful ways, and get their low social credit rating restored, so they can begin to live, be accepted back into society and be popular again. It is evil, nightmarish, and totalitarian, all in one. It will happen here if the Democrats and President Biden have their way.


What worries and upsets Peterson and Jordan is that the FBI seems inclined to gather this illegal profile per citizen and it is categorizing Americans according to their religious and political beliefs, and those with views deemed dangerous or seditious by the government, could lead to these citizens being profiled as potential domestic terrorists, to be monitored and gone after by the Feds.


Peterson warns that the individual citizen’s zone of privacy is being wiped out, if it has not been wiped out already. Soon, the cultural Marxists, our totalitarian mass movement, seeking to set Leftists Presidents as dictators for life, will be able to use this banking information per citizen to inflict upon Americans a social credit system, similar to the one inflicted upon the Chinese people by their vicious government.


Peterson warns that the Marxists here would start by going after conservatives, and then would go after everyone, so all Americans want to fight this totalitarian, illegal, unconstitutional, power-grabbing, power-centralizing effort, and conspiracy. We need to legislate to break up this of the unholy alliance of Big Tec, Big Banks and Big Government conniving and conspiring against the American people.


We have never needed a generation of individuating supercitizens so bad.


Jordan Peterson is a good man, and, though a conservative, is turning into a real hero, spokesperson for civil rights and human rights for free people in a free society, with privacy rights, liberty, and protection against overreaching government. People need absolute freedom of speech and thought too.

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