Tuesday, March 12, 2024



I just got this emergency email from former Mn. House of Representatives member, Erick Mortensen.


Mortensen: “

URGENT - Emergency Meeting to Reinstate Otter Tail Delegates


A white letter on a blue background

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Erik Mortensen <erik@action4liberty.com>


7:06 AM (23 minutes ago)


to me

Action 4 Liberty


Edward --



Last week, we reported that corrupt MNGOP Chair David Hann unilaterally decided to throw out ALL delegates elected at the Otter Tail County caucuses on Feb 27th.


He pathetically blamed grassroots, conservatives like you and me for causing “chaos," which is why he decided to remove the voice of the people.


As you may recall, we asked you last week if you want us to FIGHT for the great conservatives in Otter Tail County and get them reinstated.


We felt we owed it to the people in Otter Tail County who took time out of their busy day to attend their caucus and make a difference in politics. 


I’m happy to report that we overwhelming heard from you that THIS FIGHT is worth taking on.


So we are spinning things up to RIGHT this wrong.




I just got word that a couple of the good guys on the MNGOP’s State Executive Committee called for an emergency meeting TONIGHT.


They want to discuss Hann’s unilateral decision to toss out ALL Otter Tail County delegates.


Good for them.


But I fear the votes are NOT there yet on the executive committee, which includes David Hann himself, to overturn Hann's unilateral decision and REINSTATE the Otter Tail County delegates.


We need YOUR HELP to change this…


You’ve seen us ask you to contact your legislator before when there’s important things happening at the Capitol. And I’m so impressed every time you do that.


In fact, it's because of you and many others contacting RINO Sen Karin Housley about her support of gun control that made her get off the Democrat gun control bill!




Now I need to ask you to contact MNGOP State Executive members and tell them to REINSTATE the delegates who were elected in their precincts on caucus night in Otter Tail County.


Can you do that for me?


Call, text or email these MNGOP State Executive members IMMEDIATELY and tell them to Reinstate ALL Otter Tail County delegates. “



Ed here: Now I have not followed the specifics of this dispute and cannot assign blame. I do trust Erik and I know the Minnesota Republican Party has often been run by entrenched  Chamber-of-Commerce type elitists that do not like grassroots upstarts.


I think we need the whole delegation from Ottertail County to be reinstated and to speak at all Party functions, and to vote. I am angered and horrified that MnGOP Chairman David Hann unilaterally tossed out all the duly elected delegates from Ottertail County, lest they cause chaos at the Party functions! Really? Maybe the RINO sluggish Republican Party of Minnesota could use a little chaos to awaken it from its dogmatic slumbers as David Hume’s subversive skepticism shocked Immanuel Kant out of his epistemic doldrums!


Now I am for populism and I am for the will of the people being sovereign, with some significant caveats or warnings.


First, the people need to rule the country at every level, everywhere, all the time, without exception. Yes, the elect politicians and judges to lead them and rule them, but those leaders should be mostly doing and obeying the explicitly stated and enforced directives from the masses, that have in advance worked out their policy agenda, and are forcing their leaders to implement it, not veer from it, not pay it lip service, not to become swamp creatures feeding at the public trough too long.


Second, majority rule is sovereign, but too often it has been mob rule, discriminating against and legally persecuting minority groups and individualists and individuals in society.

To prevent this, I recommend that each voter use the ethics of rational egoism, obey an invitation from God to self-realize, and self-develop along the lines of the personal fulfillment and pursuit achieving goals laid out under the Maslowian hierarchy of needs.

A very smart, critically thinking, informed, educated, principled, engaged, logical, fearless, stoic citizen, who is self-actualized and is self-actualizing, will not allow group pressure to force him to use their enormous size and clout of majority rule to decline into mob rule, or enforce majoritarian tyranny on the whole of society.


if there were to rise up about 85 million such high calliber, adult Americans, this individuated citizen would dramatically improve the political discourse in America, and, then, majority rule would likely not again degenerate into mob rule, for all these individualists, will discriminate against none, and accept discrimination from none, and will insist upon their personal civil rights being respected, while self-insisting that the rights of no other person, or their power is taken from him.


Third, the American citizen, the individuated citizen, by the millions, are now ready to go to the next level of obligatory (Morally: God orders the masses to personally, constantly, forever to be politically engaged, to run their democracy and their republic; liberty and power for each citizen is a natural right, but the people must exercise these rights responsibly or by neglect and default, politicians will concentrate power into the hands of the corrupt few, never a good idea.) citizen role assumption: To emerge, per person, as supercitizens. Imagine 85 million Americans that are as engaged on every level of government as George Washington, The Supercitizen of America, our Founding Father, the Father of our country.

85 million individuating supercitizens will ensure that the will of the people is sovereign, without degenerating into mob rule, or the individuators, never discontented, being degraded and duped into frustration by demagogues, to join a mass movement in service of some holy cause like white nationalism, Fascism, Communism, fanatical religiosity, chauvinism, Envirostatism—to quote Mark Levin.



My email response to


to Erik

Thanks for the great work you are doing, Eric. The grass roots people must be included, even if they sow chaos; the will of the people is sovereign.


I sent a scripted copy of Erik’s making to send to all the members of the MNGOP state executive committee.


May the voice of the people of Ottertail County not be suppressed any longer.






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