Friday, May 2, 2014

The Truth About Racism

Liberals are quite racist; they hate people of all colors, including whites, because they want no one to be happy and free. They want all enslaved and under the federal boot on the back of their necks.

A few conservatives are active racists. Most are not very much racist because obsession with race does not domineer their thinking. They want all, of any color or persuasion, to enjoy a full, personal life in complete liberty, property, prosperity and happiness. One does not love anyone unless one is willing to donate and sacrifice for their living a life of independence without external interference, micromanaging or meddling.

As I have noted many times, being prejudiced or bigoted--and racism is a subcategory of general bigotry--is a natural, instinctive attitude that humans and other mammals express towards any outside of their immediate family, clique, and tribal unit. Indeed, even within families sub-cliques emerge.

All are bigoted, and all are racist. To eliminate racism, each of us must develop a keen sense of personal growth and maverization for ourselves. Then our prejudice towards any other is domesticated and rendered harmless because the residual bigotry or racism still in us--in all of us--is no longer of vital interest for us. Our humane value training has rendered the issue irrelevant, and that is a very effective strategy for controlling bigotry.

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