Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Dinesh D'Souza

There was an Internet news article, by Tom Hinchey from Western Center for Journalism, online, on 6-17-2014 with activist D'Souze explaining why Obama has been remaking America. Let me quote: "He said, 'in order to remake America, you have to take down the America that's here now.'"

D'Souza told Fox (Kelly) that Obama has the 60s Marxist bias against America as a force for global evil to be cut down to size.

Obama is profoundly anti-American. We need to impeach him quick and get him removed from office. He has two years to go, and he may just declare himself King and rule by suspending the Constitution, civil law, and disband Congress.

He is a completely wicked man, and two years is long enough to do further grievous damage, if not take us down permanently. Harry Reid, Al Franken and NBC News all served as his Praetorian Guard, so no critics could stop him.

May God bless America in this time of extreme vulnerability. The Devil's own Captain is steering the Ship of State, and he intends to crash upon the rocks and sink us all.

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