Monday, June 23, 2014

Where To Begin

You are bewildered and overwhelmed. You do not know where to begin. That is perfectly normal. Now that you have made the decision to self-actualize as a way of life, as a means of personal development and as a living prayer to the Almighty, you would get going if you knew where to start. Here are some hints.

First, what you are and where you are right now are quite acceptable.
Second, what is your passion as a hobby or a dream career if you could afford to follow it. You want to be a guitar virtuoso. You have selected your target, the subject of your individuation efforts. This is quite significant. You now have something to work on.

Third, experiment with electric and analog guitars. Practice, practice, practice. Take lessons. Read biographies of famous guitarists.
Four, develop your personality, because a strong self of self is the well-spring of artistic insight.

Happy Hunting!

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