Sunday, June 22, 2014

What Are We TaxPayers Supporting?

Let me drop in this entry from tonight's Facebook: "A young veteran attending the Univ. of Wyoming was told he couldn’t recite the Pledge of Allegiance at student government meetings because it might offend foreign students. Since when is saying the Pledge of Allegiance IN AMERICA offensive to anyone?!"

As a patriotic American, my response is for anyone that is offended to love America or leave it. If they don't love it, why are these foreign students studying here? If the protesters are American citizens, they do not have to leave America, but they should be told to butt out and be ignored.

The day that a vet that sacrificed by serving this greatest nation cannot cite the Pledge of Allegiance at a government meeting is the day that all federal and state funding should be eliminated for that campus and any other campus with similar prohibitions. They will come to heel pretty quick when the money is gone.

If any are offended, too bad, foreigner or America, they can go into exile to some blissful place like North Korea.

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