Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Encyclopedic Mind

The mind of the upcoming individuator will be an intellectual marvel to behold. Easily, with mind exercises and training, there is no reason to believe that any person could have in their remarkable mental archives, an encyclopedia of information on a million subjects, ready for immediate recall through powerful memory retention and retrieval.

As the individuator couples this mental prowess with the aim of her life quest, she can go deep, very deep, and make original intellectual contributions to the field of chosen interest. She can paint like none before. If she is a super-accountant, she will conceptualize and polish new formulas and procedures that will revolutionize how bookkeeping is done.

This awakening of angelic humans with immense intellectual ability and perception is a tool for good or for evil--just like any other technology. Let us use it well, but develop it first, before Satan and Lera nab it for their nefarious ends.

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