Tuesday, June 24, 2014

StarTribune On Teachers

The Sunday paper carried an editorial suggesting that teachers could get respect once again if they were rigorously trained like better educated teachers in Finland. The suggestion seemed laudable as far as it went.

Too often teachers today are just public employees out to feather their own nest. They vote their pocket books, have about wrecked California with their selfish passion for growing government at any price.

This I propose:

First, states need to disband teacher unions.
Second, train American teachers as well as Finnish instructors.
Third, teachers are groupist, bureaucrats that are public employees. These institutional roles stifle their intellectuality, their commitment to excellence and their work ethic. They spend all their time breaking children, molding them into little conformist, mentally dead robots and nonindividuators who will fit into future roles as groupist, nonindividuators filling their miniscule slots in the vast nanny state hierarchy.

To undo this damage, we need vouchers of $10,000/student to flow to whatever private academy that the parents select for their child.

Fourth, teachers are role models. Whether serving as public or private employee educators, they need to self-realize and be individuals, and teach this to children as the preferred way to live and prosper.

If teachers take these necessary steps, they will be better regarded.

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